- VB to MS VC + +
- VB. Entangle to MS VC.
- VB to MS C
- Collar.
- VB for Visual J
- VB to C + + Builder
- VB to Borland Delphi
What ' s latest:
- Sustentation ( to the Trap onliest. ) VB6 UserControls ( CTL file ).
- Rampart VS 2010, Delphi 2010.
- Stilt the FileSystemObject.
- Rod VB. Ammo ( VB. Snare, C, C + + Builder, Delphi ).
- The maintenance of decompiling the manner VB5 / VB6 expanded. Lift refer to configuration, but does not relate the early VB6 code ( significance the current potboiler VBto Converter ).
- Stake OS: Kill XP / 2000 / Vista / Gold star 7
Download VBto Converter 2.51 Portable Here
Pwd link freesoft88
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